So what is Neurolanguage Coaching®*?

DEFINITION: Neurolanguage Coaching® (registered US and European trademark in the name of Rachel Marie Paling) is the efficient and fast transfer of language knowledge and skills from the Language Coach to the Language Coachee with sustainable effects facilitated by brain-based coaching and coaching principles and neuroscience.” (© 2012 Rachel M. Paling)

Neurolanguage Coaching®* blends the latest findings in neuroscience (such as how the brain works, how it learns information best and how connections in the brain are formed) with principles and tools from coaching into the traditional process of language teaching.

How it works

Neuroscience shows us that no two brains are the same.  We also know that brains have the ability to learn and store new skills and information, no matter how old you are! We call this ‘Neuroplasticity‘.  Neurolanguage Coaching®* combines information learned from neuroscience with principles of language coaching to provide sessions which are specifically aimed at the learner’s needs and learning style, with clear and structured targets to achieve in defined periods of time. The methods and approaches used in Neurolanguage Coaching®* create the perfect learning conditions for the brain leading to faster, more efficient, long-lasting and cost-effective results.

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What is the impact of Neurolanguage Coaching®* on learning?

  • During a course of Neurolanguage Coaching®* with Frances Walker – English Coach, you will find that you are inspired and motivated to improve further because you’ll notice a significant improvement in your English level. When your motivation is high, learning becomes fun and exciting!
  • By learning how your brain learns best, your understanding of English language and its grammar becomes deeper and longer-lasting.
  • You will find that you gain an absolute awareness of your mistakes as well as develop the ability to self-correct.
  • All Neurolanguage Coaching®* sessions are uniquely tailored to meet your individual needs based on your learning style, your personality and your lifestye.