How do I know if Neurolanguage Coaching®* is right for me?

You may be wondering whether the methods of Neurolanguage Coaching®* would be beneficial to you.

Allow me to ask you a few questions:

· Have you been trying to improve your English for years using traditional methods without much success?

· Would you like to be able to feel more confident when you use English at work and/or socially?

· Do you have problems understanding people who speak English, and/or films and TV series in English?

· Is it difficult for you to pronounce certain words in English?

· Would you like to feel more comfortable using English idioms and expressions when you speak?

If you have answered “YES” to any of these questions, then I can help you!

Your FREE initial session

Why don’t you contact me and book a FREE Neurolanguage English Coaching®* session now? During the first session:

– I will explain the main principles of Neurolanguage Coaching®* to you;

– we’ll have a chat about your motivation for wanting to improve your English;

– we’ll have a conversation to help me to establish your level of spoken English;

– then we’ll talk about which areas you would specifically like to work on.

After going through this process, you can decide whether you feel that Neurolanguage Coaching®* with me would be of benefit to you. I’m sure you’ll say “YES“!